
Unleashing the Power of Digital

Welcome to our blog article page where we share our passion for all things digital. As a web development agency, we are committed to being at the forefront of technology and helping our clients succeed in their digital endeavors. Our blog is a space where we share our insights, experiences, and knowledge that can help businesses thrive.

5 Reasons to Choose Umbraco as your CMS

5 Reasons to Choose Umbraco as your CMS

Choosing the right Content Management System (CMS) is one of the most critical decisions you can make for your business’s digital strategy. It’s not just about managing content—your CMS should drive flexibility, scalability, and deliver strong ROI.
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Here's the Secret Sauce to Choosing a Digital Agency

Here's the Secret Sauce to Choosing a Digital Agency

When you're on the hunt for a digital agency, it can feel a bit like trying to find a good coffee in a new city. You know what you want, but sifting through the endless options to find that perfect match? Now that’s a challenge. No one. Wants. A. Bad. Coffee. 🫣 #disappointment
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Koben Digital are now an Umbraco Platinum Partner

Koben Digital are now an Umbraco Platinum Partner

We’re excited to announce that Koben Digital is now an Umbraco Platinum Partner, a milestone that reflects our unwavering commitment to excellence in the Umbraco ecosystem. This is a natural progression, as we’ve been dedicated Umbraco Gold Partners since Koben was founded in 2016, and our journey with the platform has only deepened our commitment and expanded our expertise.
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Reasons Not to Upgrade from Umbraco 8 - There Aren't Any!

Reasons Not to Upgrade from Umbraco 8 - There Aren't Any!

Maintaining current technology is imperative in any enterprise. Umbraco 8 has been a reliable content management system (CMS), but it's time to consider moving to newer versions. Here's why keeping your systems up-to-date is crucial and how a strategic approach to regular maintenance can prevent unforeseen expenses.
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Don’t believe in having a ‘favourite employee’? Here’s why you’re wrong.

Don’t believe in having a ‘favourite employee’? Here’s why you’re wrong.

Your website should be way more than just digital real estate or an overpriced business card. It absolutely NEEDS to be the hardest working employee in your organisation. It should be your relentless BDM, your most reliable support staff and your most informed and passionate advocate, all rolled into one. Think about it - your website hustles 24/7, no coffee breaks needed, always ready to engage your visitors, whether it’s high noon or the middle of the night.
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Digital Empowerment: Why We Don't Like Selling Websites

Digital Empowerment: Why We Don't Like Selling Websites

We learnt early on in our business journey that we didn’t want to be in business just to ‘sell a thing’….. Empowerment as a value proposition for Koben Digital was compelling to us because not only did it align with our own personal ethos, it directly addresses a fundamental pain point for many businesses: the feeling of being overwhelmed and/or under-equipped in the world of ‘online’.
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The Power of Mobile Optimisation: 5 Strategies to Win Over the Mobile-First Audience

The Power of Mobile Optimisation: 5 Strategies to Win Over the Mobile-First Audience

In a world where nearly everyone's glued to their smartphones, ignoring mobile optimisation is like turning up to a black-tie event in your pyjamas. Sure, you might get some looks… but for all the wrong reasons.
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Digital Accessibility: Championing Inclusivity at Koben Digital

Digital Accessibility: Championing Inclusivity at Koben Digital

As we observe Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD), it's an opportune moment to reflect on how digital access and inclusion shape the experiences of millions worldwide. At Koben Digital, we are not just participants but avid advocates for digital accessibility.
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Proactive vs Passive Project Management

Proactive Project Management: Boosting Client Success

At Koben, our team feels incredibly strongly that it is crucial to constantly reflect and iterate on our approach to project management. Last year we made a very intentional shift to a far more proactive and responsive style of project management and since then both our team and our clients have thrived.
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SEO for Charities: Strategies and Tips for Driving Donations

SEO for Charities: Strategies and Tips for Driving Donations

In this guide you will find effective SEO strategies for charities, covering keyword research, content creation, local SEO, and link building that are specifically designed for the not for profit space. Learn how to enhance your online visibility and attract more donations and volunteers.
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Greening Your Website

'Greening' Your Website: 5 Essential Updates for Sustainability in Digital Marketing

When we talk about "green" in the digital world, we're not just throwing around a trendy buzzword. It's not just about slapping a green leaf on your website and calling it a day. No, it's about really digging into the nitty-gritty of what makes a digital platform both environmentally friendly and compliant with emerging standards. So, what do you need to consider when it comes to sustainability in digital marketing for your organisation? Let’s cut through the usual fluff and get right into it. Because as Kermit so eloquently put it: It's not 'easy' being green...
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Unlock Digital Excellence: A NFP Digital Strategies Guide

Unlock Digital Excellence: A NFP Digital Strategies Guide

In the ever-evolving digital landscape, non-profit organisations (NFPs) face unique challenges and expansive opportunities. Koben Digital, leveraging 8+ years of experience with Australia's leading NFPs, offers invaluable insights into navigating this digital realm effectively. Our recently released guide, 'Unlocking Digital Excellence for NFPs,' serves not just as a manual but as a beacon for digital transformation in the non-profit sector.
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Maximize HubSpot Form Tracking with GTM: Boost Your Conversions

Maximize HubSpot Form Tracking with GTM: Boost Your Conversions

Are you using HubSpot forms on your website to capture leads? If so, tracking form submissions can provide valuable insights into your website visitors, improve paid advertising and in general help you optimise your marketing strategy. In this blog article, we'll show you how set up HubSpot Form Tracking using Google Tag Manager (GTM) in a few quick steps.
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Rediscovering the Human Element in a Search-Engine Dominated Web

Rediscovering the Human Element in a Search-Engine Dominated Web

The current internet landscape is overrun with content more suited for search engines than human readers, sacrificing engagement for SEO optimization. But I'm here to tell you, it doesn't have to be this way.
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Are AI chatbots the end of traditional website search?

Are AI chatbots the end of traditional website search?

In this digital age, where traditional search tools often leave us puzzled and impatient, AI chatbots step in with a promise of change. These savvy virtual assistants, adept at deciphering user intentions and chatting like old friends, are shaking up the status quo of online search. Through our CTO Peter's lens, we explore if AI chatbots are the doom of traditional search or the dawn of a smarter, more cooperative digital experience.
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Leveraging ChatGPT-4 for High-Converting Website Content

In the digital age where attention equals value, crafting powerful website content is crucial. OpenAI's ChatGPT-4, a language model, revolutionises the creation of dynamic, persuasive content, making it an easy task. This guide offers a strategy to use ChatGPT-4 for achieving and surpassing your conversion goals.
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GA4 Migration Services: What Website Owners Need to Know

GA4 Migration Services: What Website Owners Need to Know

Get the lowdown on GA4 migration services: should you DIY or opt for professional support? Maximize your analytics potential with the right choice.
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Is AI generated content safe for SEO?

Is AI generated content safe for SEO?

A look into the future of AI-generated content for SEO and content writing. Uncover the potential, risks, and what the future of content creation might hold. Are the robots taking over?
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